November 3, 2023
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday we have a wildflower with a mild identity crisis, Climbing Aster (Ampelaster carolinianus). Climbing Aster is an aster...
October 27, 2023
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday is everyone’s favorite group of scaly, maraca-wielding sausages: the Rattlesnakes of genera Crotalus and Sistrurus. Here in the...
October 20, 2023
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday it’s the silvery seashore Gulf Croton (Croton punctatus). Gulf Croton is a small, spreading, perennial shrub growing up...
October 13, 2023
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday, we have our busy buzzy bicolored blossom buckling Bumblebees, of genus Bombus. Here in the Lowcountry of South...
October 6, 2023
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday it’s a native warm-season grass of the southern savannas, Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans). Indiangrass is a large native species...
September 29, 2023
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday we’re listening in to the haunting call of a diminutive raptor, the Eastern Screech Owl (Megascops asio). Whilst...
September 22, 2023
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday it’s a wiry, weedy, winding vine, Tievine (Ipomoea cordatotriloba). Tievine is a native species of Morning-Glory found throughout...
Mason, Potter, & Mud-dauber Wasps
September 15, 2023
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday we’ve got a veritable grab-bag of mud-molding insects to appraise, the Mason Wasps, Potter Wasps, and Mud-daubers of...
September 8, 2023
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday, we have an upland weed that fills a pollinator need, Poor-joe (Hexasepalum teres). Poor-joe, also called Rough Buttonweed,...