December 20, 2019
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday we have the one, the only, the irreplaceable, the Southern Live Oak (Quercus virginiana). From the twisted boughs...
December 13, 2019
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday it’s everyone favorite tree rat, the Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). Gray Squirrels are our most common and...
December 6, 2019
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday were learning to appreciate Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usneoides). The sight of Live Oaks festooned in Spanish Moss, an...
November 29, 2019
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday we’re sobered by the sound of the hollow grieving moans of the Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura). The Mourning...
November 22, 2019
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday we have our native analogue of the iconic grass of the orient, River Cane (Arundinaria gigantea). River Cane...
November 15, 2019
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday everyone’s favorite, or maybe second favorite, crustacean is on the menu: Crabs. More specifically Atlantic Blue Crab (Callinectes...
November 8, 2019
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday we have a common fragrant weed of roadsides and fallow fields, Dogfennel (Eupatorium capillifolium). Despite what you may...
November 1, 2019
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday it’s a group of insect entangling arachnids, the Orbweavers of family Araneidae. The Orbweavers are a diverse group...
October 25, 2019
This week for Flora and Fauna Friday it’s a stringy coastal wildflower of the yellow variety known as Slender Goldentop (Euthamia caroliniana). Slender Goldentop is...