Conservation Easement

406.62 acres (3.2 acres marsh)

Originally donated to the Nature Conservancy in 1997 and then transferred to the Bailey Island Preserve Foundation encumbered by a new conservation easement, the easement for the Bailey Island Preserve was transferred to EIOLT in 2021. The property holds an 17 acre tidal impoundment and a roughly 10 acre bottomland rookery that provides habitat for many species of waterfowl and wading birds throughout the year and mature mixed hardwood-coniferous. Bailey Island’s relative isolation from the rest of the Island provides high quality wildlife habitat and the ecosystem is far less degraded from agriculture than most regions of Edisto Island. The property’s size and location next to and nearby other conserved properties, as well as both state and federally managed wildlife preserves, adds to an important corridor of continuous wildlife habitat.

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